The Best Time

I love so much about Meeting of The Minds in Key West. So many things to do, friends to see and cocktails to consume. The week just flies by and is oh so fun.

But, there's always one event each year that stands out as the "best". Some sort of cosmic influence brings the stars, people and activity together to make an awesome memory.

This year, the best time was at Thom Shepherd's Redneck Yacht Club Radio show at Smokin' Tuna. Thom's started a new internet radio station and he recorded a show with all sorts of great guests. I'm going to leave some out, sorry, but there were some big Trop Rock names in Jim Morris, Sunny Jim, John Friday and Jerry Diaz. Thom also played as did his girlfriend, Coley.

But, the best part of the show was from a very special guest, Gina Maserati.

Not exactly whom you'd expect to see at a Trop Rock show
We saw Gina walk in towards the beginning of the show and she had a guitar strapped to her back. Our thought was, "Is she going to play?" Well, yep, she was and did. And it was awesome! So funny and talented. Her opening was "I know you're all wondering and want to ask but, no, I'm not Jimmy Buffett." She did some original material then played with Thom. What a hoot!

There were other shenanigans off the stage as well. It was Rick's birthday and he was feeling, well, a little happy. When Rick is really drinking, he starts to talk more and more like the proverbial sailor. You know it's bad when I'm cringing. I was cringing.

That's one way to put on a temporary tattoo
Of course, there were drinks consumed.

You might want to throttle it back, Phred

I think I ended up with six souvenir cups. That Yuengling was going down really well.

Phred got out of hand, of course. He had his way with the flamingo that Jamie bought for his niece. Hopefully, the young lass never finds out her new friend was publicly violated on a bar counter.

It was a delightful afternoon. We heard great music, saw lots of our friends as they popped through and had a lot of laughs.


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