The Road Warrior Surrenders

I was going over my annual blood test results with our Doctor at work. Yes, we have a Doc on site. It's awesome.

Everything is good except that I am low on Vitamin D and a little high on liver enzymes. I'm going to take supplements for the former because an albino shouldn't be a sun seeker and I'm blaming my high blood pressure meds on the latter. Couldn't be anything else, right?

Speaking of blood pressure, she wanted to take mine because it was a tad high when I saw her a few weeks ago. I suspected it was going to be just as high but it was surprisingly in the good range.

Surprisingly, because I've been stressed and anxious for what feels like 24/7 for over a month. I started explaining to her and it all came gushing out. I guess I had bottled some of those feelings up.

Here are some of the things contributing to those emotions. Weekend Vegas trip for Buffett followed by a Buffett show in Phoenix five days later (and ticket issues for both shows) then a week long trip to Key West starting four days after that. I was home for one weekend then it was off to San Francisco for a tech conference for five days. Throw in two Arizona Cardinals games, three parties and volunteering at a Coporate 5K, being sick for five days but still working and there was just not enough downtime.

My house is a disaster area with things from Vegas and Key West that need to be put away. I need to kill weeds in my backyard and George is overdue for a Vet visit. Oh, and it's now the holidays with all the joy and extra activities associated with them. Oh, and my boss announced his retirement at the end of the year so there's been a lot of "what's going to happen?" anxiety about it.

For the past few years, I've gone to Rocky Point for Thanksgiving with my friends and this year I'm out. And, couldn't be happier. I don't have any vacation days left so I'd have to come back on Sunday and sit through a long border wait and, frankly, I just want to nest and rest.

Yep, the social butterfly just wants to stay home!

I'm going to my parents' for Turkey day then spending the rest of the weekend at home. No social engagements at all. Hopefully, I can stick with that as I seem to be incapable of saying no to any event.

The plan is to clean, read, watch TV, kill weeds and log some time on the exercise bike. Oh, and cuddle with George. She really missed me and has been clingy ever since my last trip.

Can't wait to relax and recharge and have nothing to whine about!


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