Throw Back Thursday

I never remember to prep a #TBT picture and am surprised every week when other people are posting theirs. I should probably put something on the calendar, because if it's not on my calendar, it's not on my radar.

A while back, one of my Uncles scanned an old photo of all of the grandkids on my Mom's side and sent it out to a bunch of us. Just in time for a #TBT but I think that was a coincidence. He's cool but I don't think he's that much in to social media.

I threw the picture up and saw later that one of my cousins had done the same. Thanks, Uncle Myron, for helping us represent!

Descendants of Don and Jean Terry
I showed the picture later to co-workers. A sign of how old I am is that I was just damn excited it was in color because my early pics are all in black and white. Not because it was cool but because that's what they had back then.

Sugar Daddy tried to pick me out and picked my cousin Cathy. Close. I reminded him that I was always the kid with the horrible pixie haircut so he then found me. "I forgot you're not really a redhead" was his excuse for the miss.

So, that's me on the left with the short brown hair and white top. We're pretty much displayed by age, oldest at the top, youngest at the bottom. For the record, I'm the fifth youngest. Since I'm an age denier, it's important to me to point out my relative youthfulness every chance I get.

I'm pretty sure this was taken in our backyard in Port Washington, WI. My Dad doesn't think so but my Mom agrees.

Every time I look at this picture, I find something new to warm my heart. 

My first glance made me laugh at the older boys. Why are they making goofy faces? Oh, yeah, they're boys. 

My second glance was why are the littlest ones looking like they're on the verge of tears? Oh, yeah, they were probably getting picked on.

I then have to laugh at my poor cousins who are one year apart in age and couldn't be more different than each other but my Aunt always dressed them in matching outfits. Poor kids.

This photo also reminds me of the countless others we've taken over the years of all the kids on steps. Many of them were on Uncle Myron and Aunt Donna's stairs in their house. It's just easy to pile a lot of people in a small space. To this day, their family still poses there. 

I can also remember being on the front steps of my Grandparents' house in Adams, WI. Those pictures also included our youngest Uncle, Jim, who's only a couple of years older than my oldest cousin.

Great memories of my family and I really love that my Uncle took the time to scan the photo for us all.

I just wish I didn't have that stupid haircut.


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