I Can Totally See How This Happened

LastStanManning mentioned that Jimmie Johnson broke his wrist after falling out of a golf cart.

I know exactly why it happened. Jimmie Johnson is a guy. Guys in motorized vehicles do dumb things. It's entirely genetic; the poor things just can't help it.

I've been witness to two different falling out of the cart incidents. Considering that I've probably golfed less than 40 times in my life, that's like 5% of golfing outings result in cart mishaps. I'm sure it extrapolates out accurately.

The first time, we had all just hit our fairway shots and my partner and I headed out to our balls. Apparently, the driver in the cart behind us swerved on a hill and pushed his partner out of the cart. Said partner ended up cartwheeling and landing in a jarring heap on his shoulder. I say "Apparently" because the driver vehemently denies pushing the other guy out.

The second time, my partner (you may recall that I never drive the cart because I am the Princess) and the other two guys playing with us were playing a severe round of bumper carts for most of the round. We were on the cart path when my driver saw the other guy speeding up to ram us. He warned me to brace myself then slammed on the breaks.

Behind us, one of the guys tumbled out on to the ground. It wasn't the passenger, though, it was the driver. Hello, you're the one ramming us, you should know to hang on when you hit us!

It was the same friend who tumbled both times. Coincidence? Or, alcohol influenced shenanigans? I think it's the latter.

I wouldn't even mention the time Cheap Bastard got dumped off the cart by Beth except that Jimmie's incident was somewhat similar. CB was riding on the back of the cart when Beth took a tight turn and dumped him all over the ground. He was so dirty from hitting the turf that he had to go home and change before going out with us that night.

Apparently, Jimmie wasn't on the back of the cart. Nor was he driving. He was riding on the top.


You can read the rest of Jimmie's story here.

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