Weird Dream

I can usually remember my dreams and they're always kind of surreal but I think that just goes with the dream territory. However, I had one this week that was more out there than usual.

It started out that I was living in a little shack that was one of many in a row in some sort of complex. We're talking a studio type thing. I came home to find my door lock busted and my stuff stolen. Apparently, everyone on the 'block' had their stuff stolen, too. They were efficient thieves and even took the furniture and appliances. I was distraught because they took my laptop.

All of a sudden, this guy I know was in the dream and he wanted to go rent a movie to take my mind off of my material losses. We went to this video store and it turned out to be an adult place. The guy handed me money and told me what to buy and I was like, 'Why aren't you coming in?' and he was like, 'I'm not old enough.' (He totally is, BTW.)

I insisted he come in with me and we picked out a movie. Cut back to my place and we are going to watch it (how we could with all of my stuff getting stolen is a mystery). The guy started taking his clothes off and I said, 'Why are you doing that?' and he said he wanted to watch the movie in his boxers. He then started to make the moves on me but all I could think about was my stolen laptop so I wasn't even interested.

I told Sugar Daddy the dream and he said it proves that I would rather blog than have sex.

I don't know that his interpretation is accurate but I do know that I'm going to have trouble around my 'dream' guy because I can't stop picturing him in his boxers.

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