So, What's with the Quizzes?

I'm just killing time until I'm sleepy and trying not to think. At all. About anything that's going on.

It's not really working.

The Babes and I went together to the Visitation for Craig tonight. It was going to be hard no matter what but her Mom passed away yesterday morning. How incredibly sad is that? I can't even fathom it. Losing your husband when he's only 46 has to be damn near impossible to take but then losing your Mom only five days later?

I'd be a total basket case.

There were lots of our Parrot Head friends there and I hope Dianne is comforted by knowing how much we're thinking of her and wanting to help in any way we can. The service is tomorrow afternoon and most of us will be returning for that.

It just isn't fair.

So, that's why I'm trying to find anything and everything to keep me from thinking about it. Because it's so damn hard and so not right. I'd like to be able to put it in a locked cupboard in my brain for a while but it keeps coming to the forefront of my thoughts.

I know I'm not alone in my feelings and it helps to be able to share my thoughts with the rest of the gang. There were a lot of emotionally overwhelmed folks there tonight. There were a lot of emotionally overwhelmed people that couldn't be there but wanted to. We all want to help but don't know what to do except try to be there for Dianne and her family.

It's going to be a long healing process.

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