Movie Reviews

I watched several movies while wrapping Christmas presents this past week. (Yes, I had that many presents to wrap but more on that later). So, here's my take on what I viewed.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Johnny Depp was odd as Willie Wonka but it seemed to work. I liked that the story was more about his past and the little kid who played Charlie was just too adorable for words. And, the sets were quite interesting. However, Gene Wilder is still the ultimate Wonka in my books. Worth watching, though.

Dukes of Hazzard

What a colossal waste of time. I honestly don't think I laughed once. God, it was stupid. Johnny Knoxville is not one of my favorites by any means and to put him in as the 'sexy' cousin was bad casting to me. Willie Nelson seemed stoned the entire time and the guy without pants? Dumb beyond words. Steven LOVES this movie. Go figure.

Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants

I thought at first that this was going to be a stereotypical young chick flick. However, it sucked me in despite not liking the blonde, soccer playing girl. By the end of the movie, I'd boo hooed my way through four tissues. Great movie - especially for preteen and teenage girls. (I'm not so far removed from that, am I?)

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