I'm So Bad

My friends, Angela and Morgan, are having a Murder Mystery party on New Year's Eve. It's also their wedding anniversary and an early celebration of a milestone birthday for Angela.

Angela's writing all of the characters and it's going to take place in a casino so we get to gamble and solve the mystery. Cool. The poker chicks all clamored to get our roles early so we could prepare (I'm ready for my close-up!).

To sum my character up, I'm the Paris Hilton of NASCAR.

OK, I can tart it up and talk restrictor plates at the same time. Heck, I can even make that sound kinky. (I will, however, be wearing underwear so there won't be any crotch shots showing up on the web the next day. You should all be thankful for that.)

However, I thought about it and wanted a change. When we got together at the last poker game, I sprung it on her.

Me: Are Matt and Cameron going to be at the party?
Ang: Yes.
Me: OK, I want a rewrite of my character.
Ang (while giving me a look that said "I've just written 40 different roles for this and the Princess wants a rewrite - will it ever end?"): What?
Me: I want to be married to Cameron. You can ask him if it's OK.
Ang: Okaaaaaaaaaay. (read a doubtful tone there)

Morgan showed up a little later and there was another conversation.

Ang: Kathy wants a rewrite.
Morgan: What?
Ang: She wants to be married.
Morgan: Matt or Cameron?

He knows me so well.

See, Ang scored herself a younger man when she found Morgan so he's still a young pup.

Cameron is Morgan's younger brother.

Yep, he's 23.

Apparently, Cameron agreed and called it typecasting.

Coo, coo, coo choo, y'all!

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