Book Review - A Fistful of Charms

A Fistful of Charms is the latest in Kim Harrison's series about witch/investigator, Rachel Morgan.

While it had an interesting plot involving a relic that could bind werewolves into one group and destroy the delicate balance of the supernatural groups (weres, vamps, etc.), Harrison is starting to lean towards what I call "Anita Blake syndrome." Those who have read Laurell Hamilton's series will know what I mean.

It seemed like everyone (vamp, were, man, woman, human, living, living dead...) wants to have sex with Rachel. And, she's attracted to them but fights it because it's just "wrong". Hmm, now that I think about it, the only thing that was out was the gay stuff. She doesn't seem to have a problem with sleeping with her vampire boyfriend...though he's not allowed to bite her so, never mind, I'm back to my original complaint. Rachel is hung up on stuff and continually offends others with her hangups while I'm sitting back and thinking, 'What is wrong with you? Just go with it!"

OK, I'm being a little harsh and over-generalizing. But, there was some really good fighting and plotting in this book and I kept getting sidetracked with the angst over what's acceptable contact/behavior on Rachel's part.

I still like the series, though, and I'm looking forward to the next book that's due out in March. Rachel's character does grow with each book as do the other leads and the plots are refreshingly new. This is not a stale series by any means so I'll continue to read it. I just hope Rachel goes for the sex or stops freaking out about it at the very least.

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