Yeah, Right

We're getting ready to film our Employee of the Year presentation. This year, I've been lucky to have someone else do the majority of the writing and he's also directing, filming and editing. That's a boatload of work that I don't have to do so life is good for me.

I am going to be a major actor in the film, though. I get to play a dictatorial boss. Hmm, typecasting?

Anywhooo, the director just saw The Devil Wears Prada and told me I needed to watch it then act just like Meryl Streep.

Act like Meryl Streep!?!?

Hellooooo! She's like one of the most acclaimed and respected actors of our era!

If I could act 10% as well as Streep, I wouldn't be an IT Manager, I'd be working in the movies.

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