This Is The Way to do Taxes

Before I was an IT Geek, I was in Accounting. Dare I say I was an Accounting Geek? I guess I must admit that because I'm one of those freaks of nature that actually understood the concept of debits and credits the very first time it was described to me.

Because I'm in tune with numbers, I've always done my own taxes. They were never that hard, especially since I've never had enough deductions to itemize. However, I now have soooooo much to deduct since I'm paying on a mortgage for the first time in my life. I debated figuring it all out on my own (return with standard deduction versus itemized) but I decided it was worth the $29.99 to buy some software to do all of the work for me. (Remember, I am now an IT Geek, not an Accounting Geek.)

I bought TaxCut on Sugar Daddy's recommendation. Man, was it easy! Sobriety wasn't even needed...I happily drank several glasses of wine while going through the program. It's a breeze when all you have to do is type in numbers and not have to add them up at all. And you don't need to go through several pages of tax form directions to figure out how to match up the data in each box on your W-2 to its respective tax line. Tax directions are so not my favorite reading material...

As an added bonus, I'm even getting a boatload of money back!

I'm trying not to realize that I'm getting a boatload back because I overpaid throughout the year.

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