Jack's Back...and I'm Caught Up!

24 started this week...2 hours on Sunday and 2 hours on Monday.

Sunday night, I was crashed out around 8 PM, plumb worn out from the Marathon. (Imagine how tired I would have been if I'd actually run it!). Monday night was dinner with the family and I didn't get home until almost midnight. Tuesday night, Mike Finnegan and I went out for dinner and brews. I didn't get home until almost 1 AM.

I had no chance to watch 24 until last night and it was driving me crazy.

I've been avoiding anything that could give away the plot. Not looking at Yahoo headlines, careful scanning of the newspaper, avoiding all 24 talk. I wasn't entirely successful.

First, there was Crime Dog's blog. I read something about Jack shooting his best friend, shrieked like a little girl (Eeeek!) and slammed shut my laptop. So, no blog hits for CD from me for the last few days.

Tuesday, Mike and I went to Buffalo Wild Wings and they had lots of TVs on with a bunch of them tuned to American Idol. It seemed like every commercial was for 24 so I did the little kid thing quite often: hands over my ears chanting la, la, la, la. I didn't see anything crucial but Mike let it slip that they nuked Valencia. Dang it!

I'm all caught up now and first, I just have to ask. How did Dr. Bashir get so old while I have not? It took me a while to recognize him even though I saw his name in the opening credits and was expecting to see him.

One thing really bugged me...how everyone seemed so ferociously committed to believing that everyone who looked remotely Middle Eastern was a terrorist. I'd like to think that my fellow Americans are a little more open minded. When the Mom jumped the Dad for being racist and he stood up for the Arab kid across the street, I was like, "You go, Mom."

So, what happened? The kid was a terrorist and the Dad got nuked. Way to reinforce the frakking lesson that racism is actually justified.

On the bright side, they did bring back DB Woodside. Hopefully, he takes his shirt off at some point. Yummy!

A final question/thought...does everyone at CTU end up getting married?

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