The Great Outdoors May Not Be So Great

George is becoming more and more determined to make it out the front door. I was taking out the recycle stuff the other night and the screen door didn't shut all the way. By the time I walked back, she actually had all four paws out the door. That's the furthest she's ever gotten.

I told her, "Babies don't go outside." She reluctantly backed up in to the house. Fortunately, she hasn't figured out that she's a lot faster than I am so, if she bolted, I couldn't stop her.

Here's the thing...I don't think she would actually like it out there. As it stands now, she sits on the inside of the screen and pines for freedom. However, as soon as another cat or a dog or a person walks by, she's running for cover under the bed.

There are no beds to hide under outside.

And, if it's a kid that walks by? She can't get under that bed fast enough and she stays under there for a long time. Somehow, I've passed on my "children should be seen and not heard" belief to her and she's taken it to the higher level of "children should neither be seen nor heard". The munchkins truly scare her.

Maybe it's time to put her on the harness again and let her explore the patio. There are no children there and it may satisfy her urge to explore nature. Well, as much nature as there is on a condo patio.

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