When In Robe...

Many years ago, The Goat decided to wear the hotel supplied robe out and about for a weekend. It started a tradition that continues to this day. He's always breaking out a robe, people have given him robes, it's just silly.

It's A Look That We See Often

While Goat was out golfing on Parrot Grande Friday, a bunch of us were having breakfast in his room. Tammy said, "Hey, wouldn't it be funny if we all put on Goat's robe and didn't tell him?"

That's all it took.

Tammy Proudly Started It Off

Doug's Turn

Scott Going JC Penney Model

There's One In Every Crowd That Has To Be Different
That Would Be Wayne For Us

Since Goat Can't Tell Us Apart Anymore, Crash and I Went Together

Susan Does a Bird Pose

Horst Is One Who Started The Robe Giving

Christine's Turn

Jan Goes Betty Boop

Sandi's Turn

Even Phred Got In On The Action

Thom, Thom, Thom

Julie Channeling The Sears Catalog Model
Jen Huddled Up

Tamyra Looking Quite Ladylike

Tracy Was Afraid There Were Still Goat Cooties On There
It was all completely silly and we were all very amused with ourselves. I sometimes feel bad for the "new" people because our jokes are often very inside after all of these years together. Maybe we need to start a new tradition every year so they can get in on it.


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