Chick Poker

I agreed to a Ladies Only Poker night last Saturday. The group had played once before without me and had reported that they were neither serious about, nor experienced with, the game. Being the uber-competitive type that I am, I dialed back my expectations and resigned myself to a certain level of frustration. See, I don't believe in playing a game unless you're playing to win. Sure, there's a period with beginners where you coach and support them but after a certain point, it's sink or swim time. And I am the shark in the waters.

Fortunately, there was beer.

Here's how it worked. The players were Angela, Chris, Stacey and Beckey. The dealer was Angela's husband, Morgan, whom I am now convinced is a Saint since he put up with us all night (sans alcohol) and even made us dinner. We put in $20 each (which was actually debated since they didn't play for money last time - what the...? It's Poker!). Morgan suggested a Texas Hold 'Em Tourney with cash going to first and second place. Ms. Socialist Stacey thought that was too harsh because then not everyone would win. Hello?!?! It's Poker! Morgan pointed out that everyone can't win anyway but we ended with the dealer calling the game.

Here's how they played:

Chris spent most of her time trying to get a rise out of Morgan by being alternately girly then cantankerous. And, she forgot to ante almost every time. She did call Hold 'Em on her turns so I was happy there.

Stacey stayed in almost every pot because...well, I'm not sure why, but she was lucky enough to get some decent cards so didn't lose her shirt. She constantly tried to say she had a better hand than anyone else when she had three pair in the seven card games. The best of five cards concept didn't seem to sink in.

Beckey had Morgan check out a bunch of her hands so he could give her advice. Wouldn't you know, the one with the least experience got the best cards and ended up with the most money? Doesn't seem quite right - I think you should have to pay an assistance tax or something.

Angela knew what she was doing and played tight for the most part. She also called Hold 'Em which was cool. Every time she folded, Morgan would look at her cards. Apparently, she did all right there because he never chastised her.

I played tight as I didn't expect this group to follow any sort of patterns or rules or to even realize what they had. I called Hold 'Em, too, and I only blew one hand but I blew it big. I had an inside straight and was going head to head with Angela but didn't realize she could have a full house...which she did and promptly took a good chunk of my money. Dang it!

Soon after 10 PM, Stacey declared herself a pumpkin and wanted to go home. Hello?!?! It's Poker! You play until the wee hours of the morning! We (I) finally let her bail before 11.

We're actually setting up another game...clearly, I am masochistic. But, it was fun hanging with the gang so I'm good to do it again.

Fortunately, there will be beer.


Crime Dog said…
I expect to be seeing you on WSOP before long. That is, as soon as you remember that a full house beats a straight, anyway.
Cheesehead said…
Oh, I plan on it. Just as soon as I get some personal lessons from Phil Gordon.

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