Don't Hate Me Because I'm Beautiful, Hate Me Because I Look So Damn Young

I went to Albertson's tonight to buy two bags of Caesar Salad and a six pack of beer. The cashier said, "Could I see your ID?" and my reply was, "You just made my day!" She did chuckle when she checked the date on my license.

Man, I live for these moments and I can't imagine how bummed I'll be when they stop. But, until they stop, I'll rub them in to everyone I can.


Anonymous said…
Couldn't she flip you over to see your expiration date?
Anonymous said…
I paid her to do that.
Cheesehead said…
Keep on paying...
Anonymous said…
Hey here's a real kicker I was carded at Macayos last friday night.

Cheesehead said…
Get out!

Guess I need to go to Macayo's more often!

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