Chick Poker

I told a couple of guys at work that I was playing poker last night and that I'm disappointed if I don't double my money in my chick game every month.

I didn't double my money last night.

I actually more than tripled it. My $20 investment turned into $69.50.

While I think I played well, I must confess that I got dealt some great cards. Pocket pairs, straights and more flushes that I've ever seen. It was nice.

The biggest surprise was who came in second (we busted the rest of the gang). Stacey, the one who usually busts out first due to excessive bluffing and a careless attitude, ended up with $30.50. The highly competitive part of me wanted to go head to head and take all of the money but we stopped when it was down to just 2 players.

Man, I loves me the poker. I could play every night for weeks on end and be happy.

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