Thursday Night at Froggy's

Our friends, Tom and PJ, are living the life. They bought a boat and are now calling Trinidad their home base. Cool. They come back to visit based on the season and were here for Parrot Grande but told Mark they had to head back before Mulligan's Island Fest. He was sooo bummed.

They lied.

Everyone else knew they were going to San Carlos and heading back to their boat this week. Mark was clueless until he showed up at Froggy's on Thursday night and PJ walked up to him. It was too funny. He called her a beyatch for making him look stupid since he had no idea at all that they were going to make it. I didn't help when I added that it was kinda easy to make him look stupid. I was kidding, of course. They really put a lot of work into the surprise and he shouldn't have been embarrassed at falling for it at all.


Mark was playing at Froggy's every Tuesday night before Adela's accident. He hadn't been back to visit since and there were lots of locals and Island Fest visitors there wanting to talk to him.

He asked me if we could go talk outside and we headed that way. We never made it. At every table, there was someone who knew him. He introduced me to everyone and it got to the point where even I, the ultimate social butterfly, couldn't retain the names. It was heartwarming to see how loved he was by everyone in the place.

Froggy's is a cool place. Cheap, good food and plenty of cold beer (no Miller Lite, of course, but I made do).

The joke was on Tom and PJ the next day. On our way down to San Carlos, PJ had gotten a text message from some of their friends in the sailing club, Ken and Marie, saying that they were bailing on the weekend. Their excuse was that they didn't feel like spending $1,000 and driving 15 hours for just a long weekend. They got called lots of bad names in the car.

Friday morning, we were sitting by the pool when Ken and Marie walked up. They'd psyched everyone out and had come down anyway. Mark was there when they arrived and I let him know that they'd pulled a fast one on Tom and PJ and he couldn't have been happier.

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