Vegas - The Voyage Home

8:30 is very, very early when you've passed out, er, I mean, gone to bed at 3:30. I managed to drag my butt out of bed, get packed and my bag loaded on the bus without too much difficulty. I clearly wasn't thinking too well, though.

I had to pay for the driver's room as well as my own. I got his keys from him and checked out at the desk. "I'm checking out rooms 620 and 616, please." The clerk processed the bills and had me sign them both. Fortunately, I looked at them (after signing, of course) and one of them was only for one night. At first, I thought maybe they had comped one of the driver's rooms which would have been sweet. No such luck.

Turned out, I checked out the wrong room and it was some guy from Utah (not any of my homies, though). They had to uncheck him out then check out 612 which was the driver's actual room.

At least, I remembered my own room number.

We got the bus loaded up and were ready to pull out promptly at 10. I did a headcount, then another because I was incapable of getting it right the first time the whole weekend. I'd counted 29 but the magic number was supposed to be 31. After trying to unsuccessfully eyeball who was missing, I checked my master list to locate the MIAs.

Not to embarrass them, but it was two seasoned bus veterans who should have known exactly when we were leaving. I gave them a few minutes then went in to call their room. Person A, whose initials are TSG, answered.

I said, "Everyone's on the bus and we're waiting for you."

His reply, "We thought it was 12."

I called bullshit on that. We've never left at 12. They were just getting out of the shower so I told them to hussle up.

Meanwhile, everyone was waiting in their seats on the bus. We gave them what felt like an hour but was probably 20 minutes before The Jello-Shot Prince when in to look for them. After a few more minutes, I went after him.

It felt like a horror movie where people start disappearing...

Finally, at 10:45, they shamefully got on the bus. They were lucky not to be lynched.

We made it home with just one stop and watched chick flicks along the way- A League of Their Own and My Big Fat Greek Wedding. Crime Dog told me he was going to bring Office Space so I had thought we'd only need one other flick. Instead, he brought several NetFlix that I had never heard of so I was scared to put them on. We also watched a Buffett video.

As we dropped the NW Phoenix crowd off at their stop that just happens to be across the street from a Hooter's. Mary got a laugh when she said we should have just watched the Buffett video and hung out at the Hooter's there instead of going all the way to Vegas.

She got a bigger laugh at our final dropoff which was her house. She told the late people (the wife's initials are THQ) that everyone else was free to go but that they had to sit in their truck for 45 minutes before they could go home.

I thought that was hilarious.

They found it amusing but headed out right away. Seems they needed to call Hooter's to get them to send the stuff they'd left in their room during their rush out (if you can call 20 minutes a rush out!?!?!).

Great weekend, all in all. Hopefully, we get to do it all again next year.

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