24 - Becoming Predictable?

If you haven't watched tonight's episode, read no further because there are spoilers ahead.

OK, did anyone not think that Jack's Dad was really a bad guy and that he wasn't going to kill Graem? Helloooooo! It was so obvious. I'm just waiting for Jack to find out that Graem's wife is involved, too.

And, Morris? The whole "your brother has radiation poison but you can't leave now" was too reminiscent of Edgar's Mom dying while he had to soldier on so you knew there had to be a catch.

I do have to admit that Palmer's speech (he still hasn't taken his shirt off, dang it) was great. Though again, you knew he was going to refuse to sign the emergency action or whatever they were going to call it even though it sounded like he was going forward with it.

Why so many red herrings, 24? Or, should I ask, why so many obvious red herrings?

I must admit, Powers Boothe is an awesome addition to the show - he projects so much evil. I love him! And, I can't wait to see what he's going to be up to. I'm sure it's all bad.

And, even though I'm finding it predictable, I'll still watch every episode.

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