Poker With The Boys

I usually play Chick Poker but Pirate Rick has added Mary O and me to his monthly poker group. It's mostly guys. Mary and I were the only ladies last time and Friday night it was me and one other woman with ten guys since Mary was in Big D.

I like that ratio.

The first person I saw when I got there was my nemesis from the last home game of Rick's that I played in. I gave a chipper, "Hi!" and got a glare in return. I was mentally going , WTF? Then, I found out he had recently read my recap of the last game.

Ooops. He didn't come out sounding too good on that one.

I told him, "Dude, it was pretty much true to life."

I'm so about winning friends and influencing people.

We played at the same table and after a while our equally charming (or not?) personalities came through and we were all good. He wasn't even upset with me when I took all of his chips. And he restrained himself from using the P-word (think kitty related).

I ended up coming in third which was in the money. We weren't playing for huge stakes so I ended up with $28, a profit of thirteen whole dollars! Toby said I had enough money for Taco Bell on the way home. Heck, I could have bought Taco Bell for two!

I wasn't completely happy with my play. I'm still getting too aggressive when I have a big stack. I need to play a little tighter and stop over betting (my classic bully move).

Apparently, I also have to learn a new way to put in my raises. I try to spread it out so it's easy to see how many chips I'm putting in and they click in a reportedly annoying manner.

Whatever. I think the boys were just bitter that I was taking their chips away from them.

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