Happy(?) Valentine's Day

They should call today "Let's Rub It In That You're Single" Day.

I mean, it's all nice for the married and hooked up folks to celebrate their love and whatnot but if you're single and unattached you just keep get reminded of that fact all frakking day. I'm already quite aware that I'm single so I don't need a lot of reminders, thank you very much.

I was going to work late tonight and head straight home but the O'Malley Babes made me an offer I couldn't refuse. They had a colleague, Brad, who was in from Dallas and invited me to join them at Zipp's for beer, bar food and table shuffleboard.

Can't tell you the last time I played shuffleboard but I used to be pretty good at it. Go figure, a bar game that I have some experience at. Boy, am I rusty and now I feel compelled to go practice. When you're a bar girl, you should be good at bar games so I'm pretty competitive when it comes to darts, pool and pinball, too.

Blondie and I were on the same end of the table and near the pool table so we kept getting into the pool players' way. There was a couple there on their first date so we chatted with them a bit. They were joined by another guy and it looked like the date was becoming a threesome. Especially, when the waitress served them up a round of big tequila shots.

The third guy came over to me at one point and said, "You have the nicest ass of anyone in the bar."

Verbally, I simply replied, "Thank you."

Mentally, I thought, "Have another shot, buddy."

So, I got that going for me. More importantly, I had a nice evening with friends so it was a good day after all despite the lack of significant other in my life.

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