
Whoo hoo - I don't have jury duty tomorrow!

It's not that I don't want to do my civic duty. It was just that I was really stressing about the fact that I was going to have to get to Surprise (40 miles) by 8 AM, have to stay there until 5 PM then get to Gilbert for poker by 6:30 (50 miles). All of the travel time would have been during rush hour.

I felt nothing but absolute dread about the whole thing.

The directions told me to call after 4:30 today to see if I needed to go. I very carefully listened to the recording and whooped out loud when I heard that my group number was excused. Actually, all of the groups were excused.

By the way, did you know that you're supposed to send in a questionnaire when you get your summons? Yeah, I didn't read that fine print (which wasn't all that fine to be honest) until last night when I was looking for the number to call today.


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