Need a Good HVAC Person?

I cannot speak more highly of my A/C guy. The company is TSC Mechanical, the owner's name is Don and their number is 480-460-1487. If you're looking for someone who won't oversell or overbill you, this is the guy for you.

Here's the background. I got home last Thursday night and the house was suspiciously warm. Sure enough, the thermostat was working but neither the A/C nor the heat would come on. I tried flipping the circuit breaker a few times but it didn't fix it.

I called my A/C guy on Friday and he was actually in the Detroit airport on his vacation and told me he wouldn't be back in town until Tuesday night. Since it was supposed to be a nice weekend, I said OK, call me when you're back in town. I figured I could always bunk at my parents if it got too hot.

I really didn't want to call anyone else. My A/C unit is the original from 1973. Well, that's being debated so I'm going to go back to my appraisal records but regardless, it's really old. My fear is that anyone I call is going to tell me it's shot and I need a new one. I've been budgeting for one but I don't have $3K saved up yet so I need this one to limp along. My guy agrees and is willing to help me on that as long as he can.

It was pretty livable without the air.

I was out Friday night and by the time I got home, it was cool outside. I opened the doors and my bedroom window to let in some of that nice cool air for a while before I went to bed. It may be surprising to some people to know that I actually slept with my bedroom window open. There is a screen and a lock to keep it in place. I spent an inordinate amount of time deciding how wide an opening to leave. I was trying to balance air flow with potential axe murderer access. I found a happy medium where a mid-size raccoon could have gotten in but I doubted that they'd be carrying screw drivers to remove the screen so I felt safe.

Saturday day was gorgeous with a nice breeze and cool temps. I think it got up to 80 in the house but that wasn't bad. Sunday was hotter and lacking the breeze. I started whining a bit and it got to 82 which is a bit toasty. That two degrees made a big difference.

I was out Monday and Tuesday night so I avoided the warm house and my guy came out yesterday morning and fixed me up.

Turns out, someone had previously taped together two wires instead of splicing them properly. He had to go through some other wiring to get to it but I'm up and running and actually cold. Total cost was $168 which sure beats $3K.

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