Anyone Need a License Plate Holder?

A new law about license plates took effect here yesterday. You can't have anything that even partially obstructs the word ARIZONA so a lot of license plate holders have to removed around the state. The fine is $140 but, more importantly, it gives the cops an excuse to pull you over and look for other violations if they're so inclined.

There's been a lot of griping how this is just another money grab by the state (like speed cameras on the freeways). I actually see the need for the rule, though. We've allowed so many different specialty plates options that it's really hard to tell if it's an Arizona plate. Some of the special plates are really "busy".

We took my car to the New Year's Eve party and I looked at my back plate while The Rocket Scientist was loading up. Dang. My Key West Margaritaville holder blocks part of Arizona. I'm not sure if he offered to take it off the next day or if I just assumed he would but it was made the plan.

Could I take my own holder off? Absolutely. I'm the one who put it on in the first place. But, I like to let him feel likes he's needed.

We left Goat and Tammy's mid-morning yesterday and I decided to risk driving home with the holder on. I figured they wouldn't be so jackassy as to start pulling people over right away. On our drive back to TRS', we checked out other people's plates. A good share of them were in violation.

TRS unloaded his stuff out of the car then got his screwdriver out of the Jeep and took my holder off. He also removed my no longer close to being silver 48 and my happy shark. The former had some sticky stuff left but he pulled it off. The latter still has some sticky but it's going to take some scraping to get it all off. I wonder who's going to do that?

I was sad to not have my Margaritaville holder anymore so I suggested (asked?, told?) to him to put it on the front plate. That one is a Jimmie Johnson novelty plate with Arizona at the top, a big 48 in the middle and my name on the bottom. I got distracted because Lewie and Rhett called me from the ski lodge or I would have stopped TRS while he was putting it on. The holder covered both Arizona and my name. I decided I didn't like it but only after he'd put the screwdriver away. No matter, he retrieved the screwdriver and took it off.

I felt a little guilty about making The Rocket Scientist do all of the work. But, I got over it.

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