He's A Prince

Many months ago, The Rocket Scientist and I were out with Sam and Elizabeth. The fact that Eric was a Prince and treated my like a Princess came up and TRS said that he was no Prince like that and was more like the frog. I wish I had said, "While you're no Eric, you're far from a frog."

In fact, he is pretty much a Prince. Or, at least a Knight in Shining Armor.

Sugar Daddy and I left work at the same time tonight. He called me to say that my right front tire was low. He noticed as I passed him. It was low as in I shouldn't be driving on it low. Fortunately, I was right by the gas station so I pulled in and filled it up with some air. I have to admit that my car felt funny and had since lunch so it was probably low even then.

I called The Rocket Scientist and he didn't answer so I left a message that was something like "I may need rescuing. I have a tire that is really low and I was just in to Jiffy Lube and they filled it up so I think there's a leak. I'm filling it and will try to drive home."

His phone wasn't working right so he rebooted it, got my message and called me back. He was just getting ready to eat dinner and told me to call him when I got home so he could come over and put my spare on. He then said also to call him if I needed him to come replace it before I got home.

I got home without incident and found the big ass nail that was in my tire. I knew it wasn't going to last until the morning so I was really happy TRS was coming over.

He got here and proceeded to unload the spare and the jack and whatnot. My parking spot is apparently on an incline so the jack slipped. He had to pull my car out to be perpendicular to the parking spot, jacked the car up and took off the flat. He then put the spare on and unwound the jack.

The spare was pretty much flat.

When he moved my car, he blocked in his Jeep. So, it was move the car forward, jack it up again to take off the spare then take that to Circle K to put air in it. Except that Circle K doesn't have air so he had to go to 7-11. I just guarded my car while he was gone.

He got the spare on, loaded my nailed tire in the trunk then reparked my car. It's just never easy when I'm involved.

I'm all good to go to Discount Tire now. I'm not sure how or even if I deserve the Princess treatment but I'm damn happy I get it.

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