The Overachievers Overachieved Again

So, apparently my friend Tracy the Overachiever was in Costco and saw a Jell-O cookbook. This is the woman who made 9 (10?) different Jell-O shots for our Jell-O Shot Express contest so, of course, she had to check it out. She bought it just for one recipe.

In honor of some of us going over to their house on Saturday, Rachel and Tracy made said recipe. Sans alcohol which is not so like us but Rachel is only 10 1/2 so it was appropriate.

Blueberry Jell-O is the pool, Cool Whip is the white, Fruit Roll Ups are the towels (Rachel's idea), Lifesavers are, well, lifesavers and there are little Teddy Graham guys enjoying the graham cracker diving board.

Here's the final version with beach umbrellas. The side directions are mini-Oreo cookies.

It was delightful but more work than I would have undertaken. But, then again, I'm not an Overachiever.

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