Book Review - Promise Me

Promise Me (Myron Bolitar, #8) Promise Me by Harlan Coben

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Six years passed in the story line and in real time between this book and the last. Since I'm cranking through the whole series, it was more like six hours for me. I wish it had been a little longer just so I had more time to reset.

Things are very different for Myron in this one. His partner has a baby and gets married, his parents moved to Florida and are getting visibly older, he's living back in the family home (most of the time), he has a relationship with his son, his business is not just athletes and he's dating a 9/11 widow with two children. Win is still mostly Win, though.

The biggest difference is that he hasn't been involved in any intrigue. No missing persons, no deaths, no kidnappings. Of course, that can't last or it wouldn't be much a mystery.

The story hinges on a set of promises. The first is one he cajoles from two high school girls: call me if you ever get yourself into an uncomfortable situation and I will bail you out, no questions asked and I won't tell your parents.

What follows is an investigation into two missing girls, extreme nastiness with unsavory characters and the craziness that is college application time (apparently, very serious business).

I very much liked how Myron has become more comfortable in his skin. He seems less emotionally frail, too.One more to go then I'll be waiting like everyone else for the next appearance of Bolitar and company.

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