Cool Music Night

A few of us went to Paradise Lounge near Paradise Valley Mall on Friday to check it out as a potential happy hour place. Tammy sent out the email and The Rocket Scientist must have done some research because he sent an email saying something like "chicks with picks are there that night".

OK, this is probably not a surprise with my group but one person read that as "chicks with pricks" which is a completely different meaning.

Anywhoooo, we showed up as women were coming in with their guitars. It soon became clear that is was an American Idol type of event. There were three judges who offered commentary after each girl performed. And, they were called girls which I actually liked.

Each performer did two or three songs and at least one was an original. It was clear that one of the judges was a Simon in that she was quite critical. The funniest part was when, after going on and on about the performance, she mentioned that the performance was too long. Ironic at the least.

The last girl we saw was, indeed, a girl. She was 16 and she rocked. She had great stage presence, was cute as a button and wrote a very nice original song. I wish I had a tenth of her talent.

They were all performing to get a chance for some money, a two song demo and to be on stage at Chickstock on 3/27. If you go to their website, you can get all the details.

I'm totally ready to go to another event and see some more of these ladies play. They were really good.

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