Color In The Living Room

The nesting instinct has not subsided. I actually followed through on painting one wall in the living room.

Picking the color was arduous. Deciding on a shade of green was easy because I have a green upholstered chair and a green in my area rug. However, trying to match to either shade just didn't happen.

I made an initial run to Lowe's for the cute little paint cards and brought home a half dozen. All of them were appealing but, once I got them home, I realized they were too lime or even too yellow (if that makes sense). My chair is more of a sage. So, I went back to Lowe's and collected another ten or so samples. I put them all on the chair and stared at them. I finally narrowed it down to two of the Olive shades.

However, The Rocket Scientist came over and offered some advice. He suggested taping all of the final samples on the wall and watching them as the light went in and out of the room.


I really just wanted to make a choice and be done. It nearly killed me to admit he had a good idea even though it meant another day before I could get going. But, I did it.

I ended up with the lightest color of the three (Green Trellis).

Steven came over on Sunday morning and moved the furniture out after I had emptied it all. BTW, I have a lot of CDs and videos. Then we got down to taping and painting. We got two coats on and he said he would come over today to check if we missed anything and move the furniture back.

It's probably not surprising that he decided it needed no touch ups and that he left some of the painter's tape up where I can't reach it but you get the help you pay for. We will be filling in a few spots near the ceiling. He did gather up and throw out all of the newspaper we put down before painting AND took my garbage out so I have that going for me.

Somehow, George absconded with two of the screws from the wall plates. I managed to find one but for all I know she ate the other. Guess another trip to Lowe's is in order. I never tire of seeing all the Jimmie Johnson stuff there so that makes my happy.

Here are pictures as went through it all:

Living Room

I'm happy with the end result in the daylight. As night falls, however, I sort of wish we'd used one of the darker, Olive colors. Not enough to make me change it though.

Next up is my bedroom. That will require putting all of my clothes away that I just dump on the dresser. Ugh. I might put that off for a while out of sheer laziness.

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