What's Next?

I'm thinking I should just run and hide for the next few days based on what's happened so far this week.

Sunday: health issues that kept me locked in the house.

Monday: insomnia starting at 3:30 in the AM that was made worse by the rain starting. The unusual noise kept me up.

Tuesday AM: stepped in a puddle on my floor. No, the skylight is still good. The new leak is from my A/C unit. Dammit.

Later Tuesday AM: got to work, reached for my laptop and realized it was home on the table (right next to where my purse had been). Not a big deal as the round trip is 30 minutes but I only had 20 until our bi-weekly staff meeting. I borrowed a machine to check email before the meeting but then had to hightail it home right after.

Wednesday PM: had a co-worker flag me down and ask me if I knew that I had a tear in the seat of my pants. No, I wasn't aware. And, I had spent two hours off site touring Scottsdale Community College's IT dept. And, out to lunch with two co-workers. Mother bitc... Another 30 minute trip. I can't believe I didn't notice the tear - it was from near the waist to below the pocket. Good thing I had on cute underwear. I asked one of the guys from lunch why he didn't tell me and he said he didn't see it. He followed me up the stairs after lunch so my hope is that I caught it on the chair at lunch then it got worse once I was back at my desk. I really don't want to think that I walked around SCC with my ass exposed.

Can't imagine what tomorrow will bring...sigh.

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