Book Review - Rain Fall

Rain Fall (John Rain, #1) Rain Fall by Barry Eisler

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I must confess, the main reason I picked this series to start reading was that I saw a recent pic of the author and he's hot.

Maybe that should be my new indicator for books because I really enjoyed this one. It was published in 1985 so a little dated but still good.

The main character, John Rain, grew up in Japan and the US but felt out of place in both as his Father was Japanese and his Mother was American. Apparently, back in the 50s, 60s and 70s, people in both countries were pretty racist. He finally finds his place serving in Vietnam but the atrocities he experiences there leave him, well, let's say morally adrift. He now makes his living as a highly paid assassin. But, one with a good heart(?) as he won't off women or children. OK, whatever.

Rain's elimination of a Japanese Government official leads to betrayal, more murder, intrigue and romance. The story also finds him facing and coming to terms with some of his past.

I'll continue to read these.

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