Movie Review - The Blind Side

OK, I know I'm way late to the party on this one. I just never got around to it in the theater. I saw the first few minutes in Florida last year but that was far as I got. I saw it was on HBO so I recorded it and finally watched it.

I really, really liked this movie. I'm a sympathetic crier so every time Sandra Bullock choked up, I was right there with her. When Michael said he'd never had a bed before, I had tears literally running down my cheeks.

It was also quite funny. I loved how the family lived off of Taco Bell and how cheeky the Mom was to everyone. And SJ was quite the little comedian. Kathy Bates' character's fearful confession that she was a Democrat also cracked me up.

Of course, I could relate to the school pride. If U of A tried to recruit my son, I'd do everything I could to persuade him away. (For the record, at this point in his life, I'd be happy if the kid would just go to college anywhere.)

It was really a wonderful, heart-warming film.


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