I Prefer "Fan", Not "Stalker"

When we went to Key West in 2004, we discovered a band from Cleveland that we just fell in love with. They were a group of rockers who played at Sloppy Joe's and had nothing to do with the Parrot Head convention. With a name like The Mighty, Mighty Cocktones, you really wouldn't expect they'd be doing Margaritaville.

Our discovery was completely accidental. We were in the bar during the afternoon and the waitress said something to this guy I was standing next to about playing that night. Being me and always talking to strangers, I asked him, "Are you in the band?" He said, "Yes." So, I got my picture taken with him. I think I used some line like, "Can I have my picture taken with you since you're famous?" I am so suave at times.

I don't recall if we even planned to check them out but we stumbled by one night and caught their act. And were hooked. They do covers. Covers of all sorts of stuff. It ranged from AC/DC to Gloria Gaynor (yes, they did I Will Survive).

The bass and guitar players are really good but the drummer...well, he was awesome! He did a lot of the singing (including my constant request of Jessie's Girl) and I was not the only one enamored.

It seemed like the whole week we were there, we would run into the guys during the day and we ended up in the bar every night for their set. And, we kept bringing more of our gang in there with us each time.

It was great!

Flash forward to this year...Kathy O. called me the night before I left for Key West to tell me that the band was Sloppy Joe's again this year. Oh, the joy! I couldn't wait to see my drummer again. (His name is Jim, BTW, but I just call him my drummer).

I told the whole gang about the band and dragged them in there on Wednesday night. I talked to my drummer and said, "Hey, we were here two years ago and we're really glad to see you're back again." or something not too gushy. He may or may not have remembered but he acted like he did and I think he may have. Lewie took our picture and we ended up dancing and catching their set. Lewie stumped them a bit when he asked for a Styx song but we had a good time.

We were there every night through Sunday. From 10 PM until 2 AM, we were at Sloppy Joe's. Most of the nights we got there early to catch Pete and Wayne, too, or at least part of their act. I would say "Hi" to my drummer but that was about it.

I really didn't want to look like a groupie or a stalker. I mean, it's not like I followed him home each night or anything. Or, even propositioned him. I was really just trying to be cool.

Photo Courtesy of Lewie
I expect to get a restraining order from this man any day now...

I may have been succeeding at being cool (at least in my mind) until my friends started "helping" me.

First, it was Dawn. I'd asked for my song one night and they didn't play it before they went on break. She followed them offstage (they took their breaks in the back bar which is also near the bathrooms) and I thought she was just going to the bathroom. Nope, she was giving my drummer whatfor for not playing my song.

At least, that's what she told me.

I went to the back and told him, "I'm sorry my friend accosted you." He said, "What are you talking about?" I answered, "Just now, about playing Jessie's Girl." That's when one of the other guys in the band chimed in, "Oh yeah, we'll get to it."

She'd actually accosted the wrong guy. Or, she accosted the right guy and he didn't pay attention to her. Regardless, I felt pretty silly.

On Sunday night, we were in our usual spot before the band started. I wanted to go to the bathroom before they got on stage but I said to Lewie, "I don't want to go back there now and look like I'm stalking him." He assured me that he'd just been in the back and Jim wasn't there.

Feeling safe, I headed to the back and pretty much ran straight into my drummer. We exchanged a quick pleasantry before I scurried away. At this point, I pretty much was feeling like a dork about the whole thing.

At their set break, I looked up to see Gary talking to my drummer. I pointed it out to Lewie and we both decided no good could come of that. My feeling of dread increased exponentially when Gary turned and pointed at me. I could only imagine what he was saying under the influence of his many rum and cokes for the night.

Gary came back to the table and I was all over him, demanding to know what he said. He said, "I just told him that a friend of mine was a big admirer of his."

OK, that wasn't too bad. I think he already had a clue about that.

"Oh, and he might be coming over."


He came over with a set of used drumsticks and said, "Would you like these?" I said, "Yes, thanks." while my face flamed. If I felt like a dork before, I was now super-dork.

So, I've declared a new rule for my friends to follow.

Do NOT help me stalk someone.

I think I'm pretty much scary enough on my own without any assistance.

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