Poker Dork

Since I left on vacation, I've accumulated 22 programs. Yikes! That's a lot of couch time. I'm trying to clear out my DVR by watching the 2 hour programs first.

Tonight, I decided to start out with The Professional Poker Tour. It was down to the final table and out of the 6 finalists, 3 are some of my favorite players. Erik Lindgren and Lee Markholt are incredibly hot and Doyle Brunson is any poker player's idol.

I had to admit, I was absolutely giddy to see that final table. I can't wait to watch it!

Update: Edog (Lindgren) went out right away but it was still worth watching. Markholt came out on top. Have I mentioned that he used to be a professional bull rider? Yum.

After he won, they showed him hugging his wife. Wife? That's another fantasy dashed, thank you very much. There really needs to be a law that all married men should wear rings. It would save me a lot of time thinking "what if?". Not that I ever really thought I would meet him, let alone have a shot at him, but it's the principle, damn it.

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