Zero Days Since a Pfister Was in the Hospital

We were on a pretty good roll there for a while. It's actually been 218 days since a Pfister was at Scottsdale North.

Shorty broke the streak today, though.

Steven called me around lunch time to say he was taking Shorty to the Emergency Room. Seems he was feeling dizzy and his blood pressure was low. 115/49 was what he measured with the cuff at Wal-Mart. He's actually got high blood pressure so that was way low for him.

He'd popped in on his Doctor this morning who told him to go him and rest and call him if he didn't feel better. He didn't recover so the Doc told him to hit the ER. A couple of hours and several tests later, they decided he needed to cut down on his blood pressure meds and see if that helped.

I picked him up at 2:30, dropped him off at the house and said, "I'm glad you're not dying and I gotta go because I have a meeting at 3."

Such a caring daughter.

Did I mention that he hadn't eaten anything but one piece of toast with some peanut butter on it all day? Could be part of why he was dizzy...I'm just saying.

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