Trading Pants

Pete and Wayne are a hilarious duo that play at Sloppy Joe's in Key West. I try to catch their show at least once when I'm there. If I had to describe their act, I'd say it was clever vulgarity. They say it's "Adult Comedy Childish Behavior".

Pete and Wayne.

They do this one bit where they sing a song called Trading Pants. While they're singing, they either trade pants with someone in the audience or they get two folks in the audience to trade. Of course, everyone just drops trow in front of God and country and swaps their drawers.

It was inevitable that someone in our gang would eventually participate in the silliness.

It wasn't at all surprising that it was Roger and Dawnie.

Here's a little visual sequence for you to see how it went.

I can't believe Roger actually got Dawnie's capris on. It wasn't a pretty look, that's for sure.

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