Book Review - OOPS! I Won Too Much Money

OOPS! I Won Too Much Money: Winning Wisdom from the Boardroom to the Poker Table OOPS! I Won Too Much Money: Winning Wisdom from the Boardroom to the Poker Table by Tom Schneider

My review

rating: 4 of 5 stars

Our CFO read this book and recommended it to a bunch of people. Very easy format to read - 1 to 2 page stories with a paragraph summary of the "wisdom". The wisdom/lessons apply to daily life, poker or business depending on how you take them. And, usually all three areas are relevant.
Schneider uses lots of poker and business anecdotes to illustrate his lessons. Since I love both poker and business, I thought it was great. You don't need to know poker but I think it would help.

This was a quick read. One of my co-workers who doesn't enjoy reading finished it in one night.

View all my reviews.

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