Christmas Gift - Score!

New Dude announced a while ago that he found me an awesome Christmas present. That was a pretty bold prediction since this is our first gift giving occasion together so he had no history from which to judge.

Christmas Eve found him carrying in several packages for me, one which was clearly a booze bottle. I suspected a nice bottle of wine but had no idea what was in the other packages.

The first thing I opened was a mini Jimmie Johnson calendar. Sweet! That was a good gift for me but not awesome. The next box, however, revealed the awesome.

Four copper Moscow Mule mugs!

What? You don't know what those are? Well, let me tell you, they are the key component to making a refreshing, kick your butt drink. The bottle turned out to be Vodka and another package a 4 pack of Ginger Beer and he didn't bother wrapping the bag of limes.

Here's the recipe:
1 1/2 shot ounces of Vodka
juice from 1/2 lime
Ginger Beer to fill the cup
Lime slice to decorate

So pretty!

The copper mugs get incredibly cold so there's even condensation here in the desert. I made drinks for New Dude, Shorty, my Uncle Jim and me on Christmas Eve and two more for my Godfather and me on Christmas day.

I also sent a picture to my Midwestern buds with the caption "Best boyfriend ever!" That's how cool the mugs are. And rare. I've tried numerous times to find them without success and the bars in Des Moines make you give your credit card as collateral when you order them because they get stolen so often.

One of my friends wants me to bring them for our Alpine trip next year but another warned me that the request was just a ploy to steal them from me. They will be going to Mexico next weekend. Between those and the Mimosas, I should be pretty much buzzed the whole time.

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