Random Act of Kindness

New Dude and I were at Sign of the Whale watching the stupid Packers game on Sunday. (The game was stupid, not the Packers.) A woman sat down to me at the bar and asked me where I bought my thumb ring. I told her a friend bought it for me about 15 years ago. She said she liked it because she was into silver and showed me her hands. She must have had 8 silver rings on.

I told her and New Dude that I was sad because I lost my other ring when I was shopping with my Mom the day before. It was my peace symbol ring and I'm a tree hugging liberal so I really missed it.

A few minutes later, the woman tapped me on the arm and handed me a peace symbol pendant. She said, "You need a peace sign." I was taken aback and asked her if she was sure about giving it to me. She said, "Yes, I bought a whole bunch of pendants at the swap meet today and they didn't cost a lot." She then showed me a baggie full of silver charms and pendants.

I thanked her and was really touched by the gesture. How nice was it of her to do that? It totally made my day.

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