Whew! Not an Axe Murderer

I've been hearing this weird squeak in the house for weeks. I suspected George and tried to track her whenever I heard the noise but she always seemed to be in a different place in the house by the time I found her. It was really bugging me so I started doing some subtle spying on her. Because if it wasn't her, then it was a ghost or an axe murderer. The former wouldn't bother me but the latter...well, I'd have to move for sure at the very least. Assuming I survived.

I finally caught her in the act tonight. She's opening the bottom door of the linen closet and, I'm assuming, crawling in there to nap. I busted her with her paw under the door and pulling it open. There's a relatively new cat sized space in there since I took out an extra pillow to use on my bed which is no doubt an appealing hiding spot.

The strange thing is that the door doesn't remotely squeak when I open or close it so I'm not sure how she's making the noise. Unless she's not and it was just a coincidence which would leave the possibility that I still have an axe murderer roaming around. Gulp.

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