Book Review - Major Pettigrew's Last Stand

Major Pettigrew's Last StandMajor Pettigrew's Last Stand by Helen Simonson

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was our book club selection for this month and I found it delightful. Major Pettigrew is a retired widower in a small town in England. His younger brother's death sets him off on a path to a relationship with the widowed Mrs. Ali. Mrs. Ali is of Pakistani descent (though born in England) and runs a small shop in town.

The two face obstacles in family, friends, religion and tradition. There's a lot of drama and some wonderful descriptions of small town life with its pettiness and intolerance. While I found Major Pettigrew a bit stiff at first, I grew to appreciate his steadfastness and attempts at doing the morally correct thing even though he didn't always come through.

Very quick read that is surprisingly full of action and characters.

View all my reviews


mariag said…
I thought this was a really good read as well. I found it through a small pamphlet that Borders put out last summer with new authors that they were showcasing.

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