Ships and Dip 4 - The Music: Barenaked Ladies

I'm all about my playlists on iTunes because there are usually only a couple of great songs on the many albums I have and playlists are an efficient way to listen to only the best of the best. However, there a few albums that I consistently play in their entirety because every song on them is a winner.

Gordon by Barenaked Ladies is one of those albums. It's got their arguably most famous song, If I Had $1000000, but my favorite is Hello City. Or, maybe Enid. Oh, then there's Be My Yoko Ono which is fabulous, too. OK, I love them all!

There were plenty of opportunities to enjoy BNL on the cruise. Everyone got a seating assigned ticket to one of the three concert shows they did over three consecutive nights. They did a Q&A session on the non-Lido deck where they answered questions that had been solicited over the first few days of the cruise. They were also the main voices on the daily ship announcements. A couple of them individually hosted smaller events as well.

Oh, and they were all over the ship. I saw Ed out and about several times a day. Rumor has it that the boys in our group were enjoying shots with Tyler late one night (I guess I should say early one morning to be accurate). They were consistently pleasant and willing to pose for pictures and it was nice to see that they actually knew and remembered a lot of their fans from previous encounters. Finally, all of them showed up at the Quad Dipper party to thank everyone for joining them for all of the cruises.

It was truly a delight to see their concert. They did a lot of the older stuff that I knew best and they had Boothby Graffoe open for them which was a treat in itself. (More on Boothby later but I wanted to take him home with me.)

All in all, we couldn't have asked for more gracious hosts for our cruise.


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