Ignite Phoenix #10 (IPX10)

Ignite Phoenix #10 is in the books. Each one that I go to is more impressive than the last. Kudos to Jeff Moriarty and crew for their impressive event.

What is Ignite Phoenix? This is the elevator pitch from their website:

Ignite Phoenix is an information exchange for fostering and inspiring Phoenix’s creative community. In one evening, you hear 18 passionate speakers from our creative, technical, and business communities talking about their current projects or favorite ideas for just five minutes. Presentations will educate and inspire you, and maybe make you laugh in the process.

This was the third one I’ve attended and, if vacation timing didn’t conflict, I would have been to five. I won’t miss it if I’m in town.

OK, on to the event and the presenters.

It took place at the Virginia G. Piper Theater at the Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts which was a fantastic venue for the event. We spilled out on to the patio area where there was booze and food aplenty to be found as well as live entertainment and stations for people to talk to each presenter.

There was a way cool program at this one. Remember the “cootie catchers” from school? “My Mother told me to pick the very best one and you are not it...” Well, they created one not only to give out a list of the presenters but also as a conversation starter. Depending on what the person selected, there were questions such as What’s the silliest thing you’ve ever done? and What is your quest? and What did you do as a kid that you wish we still did as adults?

Very fun idea!

Also fun was the free with admission CD of local music from those who’ve performed at an Ignite Phoenix event. I’ve got it in my car player and there are several songs that will make it on to a playlist on my iPod.

Here’s a list of the presentations:

  1. Route 66? Why Not Just Take The Interstate? - Ed Klein
  2. So You Think You Can Design? - Leah Marche
  3. Found! The Greatest Human Trait of All! - Tom McDermott
  4. Why Math is Cool? - Ben Morin
  5. Pariahs Among Us - Michael Witham
  6. Better Living Through Fast Food - Jay Thompson
  7. From Cubicle Chick to Paid Musician in 12 Months: How I Did It - Angela Leavitt
  8. 24 Hours in Wal-Mart - Dean Oullette
  9. Why I Like it When My Hooker Gets The Ball. Why I Love Playing Rugby. - Martha Schulzinger
  10. Intro To Paragliding: The Are of Falling Up - Sean Tierny
  11. Beyond Dungeons and Dragons: Pen-And-Paper RPG’s for everyone! - Adam “Pi” Burch
  12. Anger: The Renewable Resource - Cornelia “Corri” Wells
  13. Choir Geeks Unite! - Lisa Aragon
  14. The Humanities and the 21st Century - Michael Wassermann
  15. Check the Box! - Leslie Lindo
  16. How Learning to Change My Tire Changed My Life - Bogi Lateiner
  17. Social Media Stole My Kidney! Or How to be a Comedienne for 8 Yeas & Get on the the News? Donate a Kidney - Amy Donohue
  18. Japanese Music Demystified: Enough About J Music to Make You J Pop - Jonathan “Kamikaze” McNamara

You can see from the list how diverse the topics were. As usual, some were more compelling and polished than others but I applaud all of the presenters for getting up in front of 850 people to tell their story. And, there were a few that really stood out to me.

Michael Witham’s presentation was incredibly brave. He detailed his history of mental illness and his incarceration for arson while making a plea for us to consider that there are no bad people, people just do bad things.

Jay Thompson got the most laughs with his stand-up comedic routine on the value of fast food. Anyone who’s gotten Taco Bell tacos at 2 AM was right there with him.

Adam “Pi” Burch is a return presenter. The last time I saw him, he was going on about video games, this time it was role playing games. There’s just something about this kid that I love. He’s got this crazy nerd energy that’s infectious.

Michael Wasserman should immediately attach the YouTube link of his presentation to his LinkedIn profile. It was smooth, polished and erudite. I suspect debate team participation is somewhere in his past.

Amy Donohue’s story about impulsively offering to donate a kidney to a friend’s Mother and saving her life was inspiring. Not enough to make me donate a kidney (who would want one of mine?) but made me think of the opportunities we have to make a positive difference in the lives of others.

These events are very, very fun and take place all over the globe. If you’re in Phoenix, you should come to this one for sure. The next one is scheduled for Oct. 28, 2011. I'll be there!

If you’re from somewhere else, check out the Ignite website and see if there’s one near you. You’ll like it, trust me.


Jana said…
Kathy -

SOO glad you enjoyed IPX and your previous Ignites! We try hard to make sure everyone has a great time. Thanks for sharing your experience!

Jana Knapp and the Ignite Phoenix Crew

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