Movie Review - Bridesmaids

I haven't watched Saturday Night Live in years so I really had no clue who Kristen Wiig was. I'm clued in now. As the lead actress and co-write of Bridesmaids, Wiig is a huge comedic talent.

Wiig plays Annie who is down on her luck and living a sad, bitter life since her dream of running her own cake store has collapsed. Her best friend announces her engagement and that sends Annie spiraling down into more misery while she competes with another bridesmaid, the perfect Helen, on all things wedding and friendship.

Raunchy, bitter, cringe inducing and seriously gross, Bridesmaids is also funny, sweet and romantic. You will laugh at the action and wince with empathy as Annie's low point in life keeps getting lower. I cried from laughter for most of the film.

The supporting cast definitely has some brilliance. Jon Hamm is perfectly douchey as Annie's friend with benefits. Chris O'Dowd is spot on as the decent guy who's not afraid to show his feelings (why can't I meet that guy?). Too many others to mention had fun spots as well.

But, the scene stealer is Melissa McCarthy as the groom's sister. She was absolutely hilarious. Her attempt to seduce Air Marshall Jon is worth the admission price alone. McCarthy is actually pretty and girlie but she plays the butched up part so well that it seemed natural. And funny as all get out.

As an added bonus, the movie is place in my hometown of Milwaukee so I got to see some of the homeland.

BTW, guys can see and enjoy this movie without having to turn in their Man Cards. It's not really a chick flick, it's a people flick. Grown up people flick. I would adhere to the R rating on this one and not take any youngsters to it.


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