The IT Crowd

Sugar Daddy told me this was a good show so I started watching it on Netflix. He's totally right! It's very, very funny. And, very British.
Chris O'Dowd (whom I became besotted with in Bridesmaids) plays Roy, the less socially challenged IT guy, Richard Ayoade plays the OCD uber-nerd Moss and Katherine Parkinson plays their boss who knows nothing about IT but talked her way in to the job. Matt Perry came on in season two and was a fabulous addition as the sex addicted company president.
While the actual IT stuff isn't always accurate, the show had me at Roy's first line (answering the phone), "Hello, IT. Have you tried turning it off and on?" The show got better as time went on with season four being especially strong.
Very funny if you like British and/or nerd humor.