Safe House

If you're ever in Milwaukee, WI, you must go to the Safe House. It's a frakking hoot!

It's a super secret lair. So secret that I couldn't even figure out how to get past the homepage of their website.

I can't even tell you how to get there because it's a secret location. Here's a hint though:

Just finding the place isn't enough to guarantee your entry. You either need to know the password or you must prove that you're not a double agent. How do you prove it? By this lady making you do incredibly silly stuff.

We had to fight off invisible ninjas. You should see Dawnie's impressive ninja kicks. Another group had to sing Ring-around-a-rosie finishing with an actual fall down. It's all in good fun.

I hadn't been there in years and a new addition was bar Blackjack. You bought in for a certain amount of chips then had to get to $1500 to get a free drink. The dealer was great. Not only did he "hint" at his cards, he told us some stories about the bar and even told us where to find the Fonz. There was a $1 penalty for certain swear words used while at the table. Both English and Russian. We chose to swear in Russian and happily tipped him our fines.

You could spend hours in the place and not see everything. There are secret exits, a huge collection of autographs and a ton of spy related signs and gadgets. The food was good, too.

We had dinner and a few cocktails before heading out to explore downtown a bit. Not only did we have a great time, but we told some friends of ours to go there the next night and they had a blast as well.

We took one of the secret exits out. If you know me and how much I hate the dark and stairs you know how much I didn't want to go through here.

So, whether you're a tourist or a spy who needs to come in from the cold, go to the Safe House. You won't be sorry you did.


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