My Political Manifesto

I posted a couple of political items on my Facebook this morning that started some long conversations. While I do post things related to politics here and there, I’m not always about the politics. Mostly because I’m a lover, not a fighter, and politics makes people argue.

One of the articles was about Herman Cain allegedly saying that he wouldn’t allow Muslims to serve in his cabinet. You know, because they can’t be trusted to support the U.S. The other was about the National Republican Senatorial Committee creating fake retweets from some Democratic persons. Not only poor taste, but a violation of Twitter rules. Both made my blood boil.

A friend commented, “Did you accidentally put on your political hat on the way out the door this morning?” I had to confess that I did. The elections are over a year away and I’m already riled up by so many things being said and done that I’m disgusted by the entire process.

Here’s what I’d like to say to all those running for office:
  • Citing the fact that you’re married or have children or grandchildren doesn’t offer compelling evidence that you’ll be great in office. There are plenty of people who get hitched and/or pop out kids that I think we all agree would not be well suited to lead our government.
  • I don’t care what sexcapades you get up to in the privacy of your own home (or office, or hotel room, or car) as long it’s with another consenting adult(s). Please give me and all other citizens that same consideration. Oh, and stay out of my uterus and what I choose to do with it or whether I take methods to make sure it remains uninhabited
  • Your religious beliefs are not my concern until you use them to force others to your same beliefs. As it was pointed out to me today, “The constitution says that the government shall not establish a state religion and that everyone has the right to practice their particular religion.” I take that to mean you can’t say it’s all your god’s way. Just because your religion says homosexuality is wrong doesn’t justify pushing through anti-homosexuality legislation. The same goes for birth control, abortion, sex outside of marriage (which, I have to say, you politicians seem to do a lot of despite citing family values but, again, I don’t care as long you leave me to my business) and other morality issues. And, don’t even get me started on using your religion to eliminate scientific study. Those pesky dino bones shoot your “earth is 6,000 years old” theory. Get over it.
  • Don’t rewrite history. You all have tons of staff. Put someone on making sure your quotes from historical figures and details about events are accurate before you open your mouths. And, if you do goof up, confess and move on. We all misspeak, we don’t all have people try to rewrite Wikipedia to justify what we misspoke.
  • Don’t lie if you get busted. If you send an email or a tweet or say something that gets you in hot water, confess. With the technology and media today, you’re going to get busted and then you’re going to look like even more of an idiot. Everyone makes poor choices. Trying to cover those poor choices tells me you’re not ethical and you’re not willing to let the buck stop with you. Great leaders are both ethical and stand by their decisions.

OK, so that’s a lot about what I don’t want our political leaders to say and do. But, there’s a lot I would like to hear (and see followed through on)
  • What’s your plan to improve the economy?
  • Related to that, what would you do to create jobs?
  • How would you better protect our environment while balancing the costs and possible negative effects to the economy?
  • What would you do to put the U.S education system back on track to being one of the best in the world?
  • What’s your vision for our military presence in other parts of the world?
  • Speaking of the military, what would you do to better support our vets who’ve served their time, come home with physical and mental ills and can’t get proper medical care?
  • What changes do you propose to our tax code?
  • What ideas do you have to humanely resolve our illegal immigration issues?

If I could hear some straight, realistic answers on the above, I would be amazed. I fear no candidate can respond in a reasonable manner because of the potential loss of support from the party extremes, the special interest groups and lobbyists. Telling the unvarnished truth in our political system is the kiss of death to a campaign. Instead, it’s all bombastic and fantastic lies that get the press and, if said often and loudly enough, are believed.

I thought if I wrote this all out, I’d purge some of my anger from the morning. Not so much. And, now I’m depressed, too. Sigh.

Wake me in December of 2012.


Kate said…
And don't forget to add what are you doing to change the slow erosion of women's rights - esp. as it concerns health care and the right to make their own decisions, not what is deemed 'best' for them because the poor little woman can't make her own choices.

Good example - look at Kansas state Rep. Pete DeGraaf (R) who said women should plan ahead for situations such as rape because, after all, “I have a spare tire on my car“ - SERIOUSLY????????????

Our rights to manage our own bodies and health are slowly and surely being eroded away, and it just makes my blood boil. Not only for the sake of the women of our generation, but I look at my two baby nieces and realize that I have to do something or else they won't have anywhere near the ability to make their own healthcare choices.

(steps off soapbox) ahem - very well written post and I agree that you would not be able to get straight answers to those questions.

Cheesehead said…
Great addition to the manifesto, Kate!

Thinking about it more I need to add "please show you're not blindly following your party".

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