Mac and Jake - What A Night!

2012 was a sucky work year but I had a lot of highlights in my fun activities. The concert with Mac McAnally and Jake Shimabukuro is one those highlights. And, what a high it was!

My Favorite Muppet
I have loved Mac McAnally from afar for many years. For those who don't know him, he's Jimmy Buffett's guitar player, an award winning songwriter and a producer. He's also been the Country Music Association's Musician of the Year a bunch of times. The dude has chops.

I call him my favorite muppet because his hair is always so big and fluffy and, with his beard, he just reminds me of a Jim Henson creation. And, he seems really nice like a muppet should be. He's one of those people that I've been hesitant to meet because, if he weren't as nice as I thought he was, I'd be devastated.

Jake Shimabukuro is an amazing ukulele player who gained significant exposure when Buffett decided to feature him at some of his shows. This guy has mad skills. Check out this video:

To have both of these guys in one show was just, well, fantastic. They played separately and together and it was truly wonderful.

The whole evening became awesome when some of the Arizona Parrot Heads got invited to go backstage after the show and meet the musicians. Damn, was I excited!

We were all waiting in the "Green Room" (which looked like your average office lunch room) when Mac and Jake came in. There was kind of a general introduction, "Mac and Jake, parrot heads. Parrot heads, Mac and Jake." We all stood looking awkwardly at each other until I stepped in.

I said something like, "I'm Kathy and the President of the Arizona Parrot Head Club and we're so honored you're here." That broke the ice then Tammy stepped in, "Would you mind posing with our mascot, Phred?"

They did and I thought to myself, "Frak Phred, I want in on that picture!" So, I did.

Sure, This Was Nice
But, This One Is Better
I should never have worried that Mac wouldn't be nice. They were both extremely pleasant and signed a guitar and a ukulele for our main fund raising event as well as a get well item for someone we knew in California.

At one point, Jake and I were off to the side and I told him how many people in the crowd were talking about how amazing the sound was that he could get from his ukulele. He thanked me then he hugged me.

Jake hugged me

I was flying high on that for weeks!

The Gang with Jake and Mac

My only regret? Not giving Mac my phone number. 

OK, not really. Though, I do regret not touching his muppet hair.


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