Book Review(s) - Stephanie Plum Series

Tamyra told me I should read Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series because Stephanie and I have something in common - things just "seem" to happen to us. Maria and I were talking about books and she said her Dad was reading them and sent her the first four which she loaned me. She also said they made her laugh out loud. Then, I was talking to Norene and she said she and her daughters have read all of the books.

OK, so I'm coming late to the party. But, I'm very happy to be there.

These books are really entertaining. I've finished the first four books and I just started on them last Friday. A quick summary: Stephanie became a bounty hunter because she got laid off from her job as a lingerie buyer and needed the money. She lives in Trenton, NJ and knows everyone in the hood. Everyone in the hood is a character. She's pretty inept at her trade but somehow manages to catch her prey.

Evanovich does a great job of introducing characters you really care about and keeping them in the stories going forward. My favorites are Joe Morrelli, the neighborhood bad boy now hot cop and Lula, former hooker now file clerk. Stephanie's Grandma's a hoot, too. Oh yeah, Ranger, the hot and good bounty hunter is good, too. OK, I like a lot of the characters.

I'm heading to the library this weekend to see how many more of these I can get - they are wonderful.

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